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Woodcote Village Fete is an annual event held on the village green for the community to come together, have fun and raise funds for the village hall.

About the Fete

The Woodcote village Fete occurs on the 2nd Saturday of September each year.  The Fete is held on the village green with the aim to bring the village together and provide an afternoon of fun and entertainment.


In years gone by Woodcote held a carnival with a float procession - there are some vintage photos of this event in our gallery. After several years of lying fallow, the Fete was revived in 2008 by a much loved village linchpin: the late Dot Tyler.  Dot's style was to harness the power of chat, press-gang the usual suspects and to make sure there was tea, cake and beer, trusting everything else to develop organically, which it always did, one way or the other.  

The Fete has grown into an established community event, honouring Dot's legacy.

A traditional Produce, Flower and Craft Show is held in the Village Hall - it is wonderful to see the talents of our village on display. Look out for the giant veg! Exhibit guides are included on the site for those interested in entering.  There are classes for adults and children and there is something for everyone.

You will find a variety of stalls, both traders and community groups, on the green. The local Scout and Girl Guide group run the tea and cake tent, we have a bar (for the essential beer) and a number of food stalls to choose from.  A fun dog show is held in the ring, there is a variety of live music and children's entertainment - so much to enjoy. The tug of war is always a highlight!  So join us for an afternoon of games, food and drink, and entertainment!  

A small team of volunteers organise the Fete each year.  We are a friendly bunch and warmly welcome new members to the team or people who can be willing helpers on the day.  The team are passionate about putting on a great event for our community.  We also value feedback to make each year better than the last.  All funds raised go towards the village hall.

Stay up to date with the latest news and updates on our website and social media pages.


We can't wait to see you there!


Join us for a day of fun for all ages!

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